Monday, 8 February 2016

Welcome to the Friends of Etchinghill 2016

We know how important the hill is to everyone in the area as it is part of the AONB area of outstanding natural beauty, a site of geomorphic importance RIGS site, a site of biological importance SBI and a site of selective heritage SHINE. Apart from all the titles it is a tranquil area which has formerly been used for beacons due to its height.

Our group has been running for 5 years and we have helped to keep the hill free from litter and tried to maintain the paths as well as working with the Trustees of the hill on preparing the ground to reinstate the heathland, setting heathers and clearing brash. We have found funds to replace the information boards around the hill and encouraged the council to provide extra litter bins. We have an active friendly group of volunteers who give up an hour every few months to help with these things. The Friends of Etchinghill also have guest speakers who tell us about our native wildlife, managing the environment, local history and other local news.

We are always keen to hear your stories of how you have enjoyed the hill in the past.

We have a website and update a blog of our activities which can be accessed through the website. We also have a Facebook page Friends of Etchinghill. Our chairman, Geoff Brookes, can also be contacted on 07792 814607.

We invite you to join us at any of our events throughout the year. See our programme itemised opposite.

All meetings are held at the hall of The Church of the Holy Spirit, Mount Road Etchinghill and litter picks start from there. We provide all equipment and refreshments after litter picks. All meetings are free of charge unless otherwise stated and they are open to everyone.

During 2016 we are working with the Trustees of the hill to find ways that we may be able to restore the views from the top of the mount. This would involve thinning the trees, as this was one of the main issues raised at previous meetings we have had. We hope to apply for funding to achieve this and we would welcome any comments that you would like us to consider. The Trustees are keen to work with us and with the members of the community whilst we draw up plans and apply for funds. If you have any comments please feel free to either ring 07792 814607 or to attend our first meeting of the year where we will have space to discuss this.

If you would like to become a member we charge £1 per person for the year (or part year) payable in April and will send you regular updates and minutes of meetings (members also get discounts at some local shops ask us for further details) Come along and join in - We are a friendly group. We look forward to meeting you.