Monday, 16 May 2016


Our AGM was on Thursday 12 th May. The committee were appointed as follows:
Geoff Brookes Chairman
Pam Owen Vice Chairman
David Bowden Treasurer
Phil Brockhurst Membership secretary
Christine Travers Brookes Secretary
Mike Mottershead Committee Member

Don Heath has decided to stand down this year, although he is still offering us considerable support. We thank Don for all his hard work - he was also our vice chairman for a period of time. We have one vacancy if anyone feels they would like to join the committee and become part of this exciting year ahead please ring 07792814607 to discuss this.

June Jukes

June Jukes came to talk about the history of Cannock Chase. The land was owned by the Bishops of Lichfield but became part of Henry 8ths territory. She explained how it was coppiced and the wood used in furnaces or for building timber framed houses and ships.
In the wartime the Chase was used by the military and a railway ran through the area. The M.O.D. wanted to claim the area and make the land out of bounds to the public. The Association of Friends Of Cannock Chase was formed in November 1947. In 1958 the area was given the status as an Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty(AONB)
Further battles have ensued to prevent the area being swallowed up by the M6 and no doubt there will be future challenges but The Friends of Cannock Chase have an active membership with events planned throughout the year. For enquiries or to join contact June Jukes on 01543 571241. Their membership is £7 per year. Their website is
As an aside our Etching Hill is part of the AONB.