Saturday, 24 September 2016

Revised voting dates for our Tesco project

Don't rush off to vote for our project just yet- we have had an email from Tescos this week saying they have altered the voting dates.
The new dates to vote for the Friends of Etching Hill Openview project are:

October 31st to November 13 th

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Great news everyone. Our Tesco bid has been successful! 

 This means that every time you buy a plastic bag in Tescos 
between 26th September 2016 - 9th October 2016 
you will be able to ask for a token which you can put into the box to vote for our project. At the end of the period of voting the group with the greatest number of tokens gets the largest sum of money. We are guaranteed a sum of money but with the your votes we can increase this.
Look for the Friends of Etching Hill project title "Openview" as we will be working with the Trustees to open up the views from the hill, manage the trees and encourage greater biodiversity. This is an opportunity to make a significant difference to the hill.

We need your votes for the Friends of Etching Hill Openview project 
Votes mean money! This is our one big chance to make the changes you have been asking for! 

Don't forget we have a quiz night on September 29th 7.30 pm at Etchinghill Church Hall. You are guaranteed to get some of the answers as there is something for everyone. Come alone and make some new friends or come with a team. We look forward to seeing you. £1 per person to enter all proceeds will go to the church on this occasion as they have supported our group.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

September update of events to look forward to

If the weather is kind to us we will have our autumnal litter pick and path clearance on
Saturday 10 th September. Meet at Etching Hill Church Hall at 11.00 as usual. There will be refreshments provided as well as all equipment.

Don't forget the quiz night on September 29 th  at 7.30 at Etching Hill Church Hall. We ran this event last year and had a lot of fun. We raised money for the church as they have supported our group. Come along and join in - everyone is welcome. There will be lots of fun questions so you don't have to be a regular quiz goer to enjoy this evening! Come with a team of four or come alone and make some new friends as you join a team. At only £1 per person - which includes refreshments this is a great night out.
We look forward to seeing you.

We are still awaiting news on our the bid that we put in to Tescos bags of help scheme. Fingers crossed as the money will make a big difference to the work that we can do on the hill. We will let you know when we hear the outcome of this.