Friends of Etchinghill - A letter from the Chairman
As we head towards our AGM on May 24th, I feel I need to make all members and supporters aware that to date no one has come forward to take on the roles of Chairman and Secretary.
Chris and myself have had the pleasure of performing these voluntary posts for the past seven years.
We stated at the last AGM that we would be standing down in 2018 although we are happy to remain on the committee and offer help and assistance to the new officials. We felt that it would be a good time to pass on the roles to ensure the group has sustainability and because everything is set up and in place.
Having achieved so much as a community group it would be a shame for it to fold. I don't want to pressurise anyone to take on a role they don't want. I accept that busy lifestyles mean possible candidates feel they have insufficient time but I still hope there are two people out there who will give it a go. If no one comes forward - then the present committee presumably would become caretakers until the end of this year when all our planned activities finish and the group would then disband.
Our achievements as a group are too numerous to mention but in a sentence, " We got our beauty spot back". I am sure the legacy would live on for a few years but it is unlikely that the group would re-form if it finishes. The difficult part is setting up the group, getting people interested, gaining funding, opening bank accounts, agreeing a constitution, arranging dates etc. All this has already been done. The group has achieved networking and respect. All this is in place .....but it could be lost.
If you feel you would like an informal chat- no arm twisting - give us a ring on 07792814607 or come along on May 12th to the litter pick and speak to me,
Thank you in anticipation,
Geoff Brookes