Sunday, 13 December 2015

Further news from the year

13th June 2015
We planned a litter pick for this day- but in true British style there were awful downpours of rain. We felt we had to cancel the event but 15 people turned out before we were able to get the message round to everyone.  This included our newly appointed MP for the area - Amanda Milling who came prepared for yet another wet litter pick!

11th July 2015
This date proved dry for our rescheduled litter pick and we had a good turn out. One member spent several hours clearing broken glass. The paths were also trimmed back by our group, to allow ease of access. Overall the quantity of litter collected was less than on previous litter picks so the message seems to be getting through!

Mid Summer
Our new Facebook page was launched. This is being managed by Sian Brockhurst and we offer her our sincere thanks for taking this on. Look up Facebook Friends of Etchinghill. This is an open site so you don't need a Facebook account to view it and to read comments, although you would need an account to add any comments yourself.

24th September 2015
We held an additional meeting as a quiz night. This was as a result of a suggestion put to our committee to engage anyone who wanted to join us for a fun evening. We provided refreshments and tried to have a good mixture of questions to encourage people who do not normally attend quiz nights to come along. Those who did attend had an entertaining evening and we met some new people. We charged £1 per person and raised £20 which we donated to The Church of The Holy Spirit as they have supported our group.

26th September 2015
This was our last litter pick of the year and path clearance. The weather was good and we had enough volunteers to carry out the work. The kitchen services were manned by two of our volunteers Jean and Bridie, as Chris had a prior engagement that day - so they very kindly stepped in. All hands to the deck!

26th October 2015
This was our final meeting for this year and we had a speaker who talked about badgers. We heard about their lifestyles, social groups and habitats. They face many threats from humans 50,000 are killed on roads each year and they are sometimes treated cruelly in illegal badger baiting. Our speaker explained the conservation work that is done to help them relocate if their habitats are threatened by building work. The Badger group can also support people who have unwanted badgers prowling in their grounds. They can help the badgers move on to other areas where they are wanted.

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